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Science for Kids with Inquisitive Minds

Engaging STEM activities and lessons

Quality STEM for Aspiring Scientists

Exclusive Webinar


Date TBA

Check back later to see upcoming exclusive webinars!

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A Journey That Lasts Forever

SKIM is an organization aimed towards getting kids interested into the world of STEM through an introductory pathway. Activities and lessons are also provided to continue to foster this STEM mindset all the way to high school.

Science encompasses a universe of endless discoveries that explains the phenomena of the world around us. Diving into science opens the gate to numerous disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and physics.

Technology allows current generations to continue to progress towards a brighter, better future with devices that make our lives more efficient and easier. Engaging with technology is a step towards being a world leader.

Engineering is used in many aspects of our lives, although we may not notice it at first. Exploring engineering opens the eyes  to a different world where engineering is not simply thought of as buildings and bridges.

Math serves as the backbone to science, technology, and engineering, and emphasizes the interconnectedness of all parts of STEM. Advancing in math allows one to engage in a wider field of study.

SKIM Highlights

*IMPORTANT NOTICE*: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, hands-on activities in person are currently not offered to ensure the safety of all participants. Preparation is underway to provide a virtual online experience to ensure inquisitive minds are preserved. Come back later to see the highlights of online experiences below, and join now to be a part of the journey!



Based in Irvine, CA

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